About Me

Welcome to Jesykuh, a small business founded by Jessica to provide products that offer hope to our customers.

While growing up, my father instilled two career choices in my head. I had to become a lawyer or a doctor and nothing else. He said those careers were reliable and highly paid. While I appreciate him looking out for me, those jobs weren’t for me. However, instead of discussing with him what my dreams were, I decided to follow his dreams instead. At the same time, I was losing myself. My creativity was being stifled.

I exploded and unleashed all my emotions on my father. I told him the jobs that I would prefer to have, but he didn't budge. When I told him I wanted to get into the arts, he told me that it was just a “stage” even though it was my passion. This tension with my father caused me to seek an escape from reality by delving into my imagination. With that, I was able to reconnect with my creativity and let it flow. I’m tired of my art being belittled and considered not a viable career option.

At one point in my life, I felt like I didn't have enough skills or knowledge to pursue my dreams. But I took a leap of faith and decided to start Jesykuh anyway, driven by my passion to make a positive impact in the world. I truly believe that every person has the potential to accomplish great things, regardless of their background or education. That's why we're dedicated to creating exceptional products that reflect our unwavering commitment to excellence, attention to detail, and love for what we do. 

We appreciate your decision to choose Jesykuh for your product needs. As a team, we are constantly improving ourselves and expanding our knowledge. Our adaptability and innovative approach enable us to thrive in an ever-changing environment.



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